Encounters with Grace in the New Testament


Individual lessons & Bible Study Guide

John 3:1-18; Numbers 21:4-9; John 7:45-52 and John 19:38-42. Nicodemus’ encounter with Christ teaches us that God isn’t put off by our tentative questioning in the middle of the night. If we seek Him, He will never turn us away but will receive us just as we are. He will speak to us in ways that we can understand, but He will also lead us to the real issues we need to face.

John 4:1-42 For the first time in His ministry, Jesus directly claimed to be the Messiah and in doing so He entrusted the Gospel message to a woman that no one else would have even spoken to! The good news for you and for me is that God’s choice of unlikely messengers hasn’t changed, so there’s room for us to be used in His Kingdom even today!

Luke 1:5-25; Mark 1:4-8; John 1:29-37 and Mark 6:20-29 The life of John the Baptist teaches us that the grace of God sets us apart even before we are born and unfolds God’s plan to us as we walk in obedience to His call. Grace encourages us and gives us the strength to hold on even when we doubt so that we finish our race well.

Luke 10:38-42 and John 11:1-12:6. Mary, Martha and Lazarus were close friends of Jesus and I’m sure that when Lazarus fell sick and died the two sisters were left with many questions about Christ’s love for them. However, from their story we learn that grace is at work even when our world is shattered and when it seems as if God doesn’t care.

Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 16:13-18; Luke 22:14:34 and John 21:1-19. Peter followed Jesus imperfectly, in fits and starts, sometimes getting the point, sometimes not — responding to Christ’s gentle and not-so-gentle rebukes, receiving His forgiveness and redirection more times than we can count. Through the grace shown to Peter we learn that even in our worst moments, we are not alone and that God is the God of second chances!

We concluded our study with Paul, whose life was completely transformed by his encounters with the grace of Jesus Christ. A grace so powerful that it was able to change the Pharisee Saul — enemy and persecutor of the Church — into the Apostle Paul — protector of the faith and preacher to the Gentiles.