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My desire is for God’s truth to penetrate your heart
and transform you by the Holy Spirit!

In the Word is presented by Michele Telfer Ministries

Michele Telfer Ministries is a nonprofit 501(c)3 devoted to communicating the two greatest realities of all - the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ, and the Written Word of God, the Bible. To us, "In The Word" means being in Him and living in His Truth.

Our Vision

Our vision is to connect people world-wide to Christ and the life-changing power of God's Word.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make the in-depth truths of Scripture accessible to all. This is achieved through Biblical teaching, radio broadcasting, pastoral training, congregational conferences, as well as print and video teaching materials.

My Dear Friend,

When I say “The Word” I’m talking about the two greatest realities of all—the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ, and the Written Word of God, the Bible.

So, when I ask, how is your life in the Word, I’m really asking two questions: How is your relationship with Jesus? And how are you learning and living the truths found in Scripture?

I have dedicated my life to helping people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, and to connecting them with the Bible at an ever-deepening level.

I pray that as you explore this website you will get to know me a little better, sense my heart for the Lord, and see my desire to connect you to God and His Word. Though I have faced many challenges in my own life, God has been faithful through every one and my greatest joy is to impart His faithfulness to you, no matter your circumstances.

May God bless you richly as you learn and live ... IN THE WORD!

- Michele

In-Depth Bible Studies

Michele's Small Group Studies provide an in-depth look at various books of the Bible. These studies are perfect for personal study and groups. Filled with historical background references and real-life truths, each study has been prayerfully crafted to inspire and inform.

Bible Study Guides

Hebrews: Draw Near, Hold Firm, Run with Perseverance

Hebrews is a foundational book of Scripture, one that every Christian should understand. It reveals that Jesus is unsurpassed! All of the Old Testament worship practices pointed to Him, the one born to die as our guiltless substitute. In Hebrews we see the bridge formed between the Old and New Testaments as we discover how the Old Testament shadows are fulfilled and brought to life in Jesus, the Lamb of God. Hebrews also introduces Jesus as our Great High Priest and helps us learn about how to draw near to Him, hold firm in faith, and run with perseverance the race marked out for us.


Bible Study Guides

Ephesians: Saved by Grace, Living in Power

Experience the spiritual richness of Ephesians – an unforgettable letter that the Apostle Paul wrote from a prison cell in Rome. Ephesians reveals God’s riches to us in Christ and encourages us to live in the light of His grace. Get ready for a memorable and meaningful journey In the Word.


Bible Study Guides

Words of Hope: God's Voice to You in the Psalms

Though our circumstances may be different every life is touched by hardship of some kind or another. Some of us may have lost a loved one, while others know the pain of divorce, marital unfaithfulness, or the heartbreak of wayward children. Perhaps you are exhausted from financial struggles or from dealing with sickness or the care of aging parents. Some of you may have lost your home, your livelihood, as well as the future you had anticipated and planned for. When we are desperate for words of encouragement and hope the Psalms can be a great source of strength as you hear God’s voice to you through them.


Bible Study Guides

Esther: God's Choice for a Time Like This

The book of Esther has much to teach us about how to live for God when He seems to be absent and life doesn't make sense. There will be times in life when the road we face is not one we want to go down and it's difficult to imagine that anything good can come out of that path. We may even struggle to understand God’s purposes or question His love for us. But at times like that, we need to remember Hadassah — Esther. Though her life certainly took a turn for the worse, being taken to Xerxes' palace as a prospective concubine, we shall soon find out that God had greater plans for that innocent, frightened young Jewish woman.

God has a plan for your life, too, as unique as His plan for Esther. And I assure you — He will use you for His glory because of what you’ve been through, not in spite of it!


Bible Study Guides

God's Grace Through the Ages

God’s Grace is often described as the unmerited favor He shows to all who trust in Him. In the Old Testament people were only able to glimpse God’s grace from afar, whereas those of the New Testament were able to encounter His grace in the person of Jesus Christ. This study looks at the lives of twelve different Bible characters and what they learned about God’s amazing love and kindness through the ages. We will not only be encouraged by what we learn, we will be challenged in the way we interact with others as we show them the grace of God today. 


In the Word For Today

Key Thoughts and Key Scriptures to Energize Your Life


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