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Our Valley

Death came to our peaceful little valley this past week. It was an uninvited caller. Its dark shadows quickly seemed to seep in to every corner and there was no escape. Now destructive scars are everywhere as once verdant hills stand blackened and smoldering, their trees are but charred sticks or piles of ash swirling in the breeze. Blameless voices have been silenced. Tears have become our food. Grief. There are no words at such a time as this, but then a soft quiet voice is heard in the breath of wind: “…though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4).

For those who trust in God as their Shepherd, whether we find ourselves on the hills or in the valleys of life, we are not alone for He is with us. His rod and staff they comfort us for He will protect us and get us through. No matter what lurks on the road ahead we need not fear because of His strong presence and He has said: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5).

Though stark realities surround us, God our Shepherd reassures us that as dark as it may be, this place is only the land of the “shadow of death”. Shadows cannot truly harm us in the end. Yes, they may dim our sight for the moment and yes, they may chill our bones for now but their affects do not last and He assures us that this is a valley that we will walk through. This is not where we are to camp. He is leading us to a better place beyond the ridge, we need only to trust Him and follow in His steps.

We will get through this, but it will change us.

If you have been wandering from Him, now is the time to press into Him again. If you have been standing paralyzed and confused, choose to move forward and ask Him to lead you. Out of gratitude for your relationship with Him, keep an eye out for others along the way and call them to Him. And as He leads us out the other side, never forget from whence we came!

With love in His name,

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